January 27

Coffee with Mike- Finding Joy in Our Work



Christmas holidays and the holidays surrounding that- Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year's, all the different holidays that are part of that typically are really talking about good news, and great joy, celebration. And we're celebrating not just a day, we're really celebrating life; we're really celebrating relationships; we're celebrating our God; we're celebrating lots of different opportunities that we feel like that we have as human beings. One of the things that I've been looking for in communicating is finding joy in your work. A lot of times work can be overwhelming just because of time pressures, because, again, of all the different challenges placed on us on establishing a workplace. Just do we work at home or working at the office? Do we feel safe? All these different things that are going on right now.

Remembering to find joy in our work, to be deliberate about finding joy in our work, and I came across a message from Pope Paul the 6th, 1963, he said this, 'to find joy in your work, you must move past the economic benefit and into who you're serving, and knowing that what you're doing is improving their lives.' If you're improving their lives, you can take great joy and not only what you do, but take great joy for whom you do it. That's what he was encouraging us to really think about is, what about the people behind the work that we do? Who is benefiting from the work that we do? 

One of the greatest joys that I have is working with the employees of the US Attorney's Offices, because I believe in their mission. I know there's stuff that happens, and I know that everything can go off target a bit, and I'm not naive- I don't think- but I do believe that the mission that the US Attorney's Office has: basically keeping our world safe, as safe as possible, is more and more challenging every day. I'm sitting here right now, a few days past Christmas thinking about the bombing that occurred in Nashville, because somebody loaded up an RV and parked in front of a building and exploded it. We're trying to figure out why, they think they have identified who that is and it's just a normal person!  Someone you never would have thought of doing it! The work of the US Department of Justice, the work of the US Attorney's Offices is ever more challenging.

I just want to say that I take great joy in providing help to the employees of the US attorney's offices and to all federal employees who work hard to make sure that we are as safe as can be, that whatever we need our government to do can be done; and that we can feel like that as a nation, we have an opportunity we still have a chance to come together and find joy in working for one another and with one another. That's what I'm hoping happens in 2021. I hope in 2021 we get past the division, and where we're noticing the animosity that exists between people, and that we can get past that and say, 'let's take joy in doing things for one another, in working for one another working on behalf of one another, and accomplishing what everyone really wants, and that's a life of peace. May that be true for 2021. 

"...to find joy in your work, you must move past the economic benefit and into who you're serving, and knowing that what you're doing is improving their lives."

We are very excited about offering some webinars very soon! We hope that this will be something you'll be interested in, attracted to, and really helped by. We were trying to make sure that you're using, really maximizing your best use of your time, money, and efforts, and making sure that you're creating the financial future that you're really trying to achieve. Please sign up for our newsletter to find out more. Certainly know that your information is protected and that if you ever want to opt out, you're free to opt out. We have no concerns about that whatsoever. We want to make sure you feel completely comfortable with what you have received from us. 

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