May 21

Coffee With Mike- Imperfection is Better Than Perfection



Imperfection is better than perfection. Now, why is that true? Because perfection never happens. 

I'm a perfectionist and that means that I'm a procrastinator. That means that I'm a detailed person to the nth degree, and sometimes I have to go over, and over, and over something that I already knew on the first go around, but for whatever reason I was uncomfortable, I was uneasy, I was uncertain about myself. Not about the problem, not about my solution, but just about myself and I had to repeat it until I felt better. 

We were just filming something, and we noticed my hair was out of whack, so we got it back in line. But still I think you're looking at the camera going, 'maybe he looks good, but you know he's not perfect.' Remember, perfection is not the goal. Imperfection is always going to the goal ,because imperfection is always going to be what we end up with. We're imperfect human beings living in a series of transitions that demands that we leave things incomplete at times,  it's just the way it is. 

Get comfortable with the fact that things aren't quite the way you like it. Get comfortable with the fact that people haven't changed just like you would wish they would. Get tougher with the fact that things didn't work out just like you had hoped. In the end, it's going to make life better, because imperfection is better than too much. 

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